Greetings from the Hasmoneans from a neighborhood of Jerusalem

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December 2012 - Remains of an archeological site dating from the Hasmonean era were exposed in a Jerusalem suburb – underneath Hantke Street in the neighborhood of Kiryat Yovel.  Greetings from the Hasmoneans from a neighborhood of Jerusalem. Remains of an archeological site dating from the Hasmonean era were exposed in a Jerusalem suburb – underneath Hantke Street in the neighborhood of Kiryat Yovel. According to the administrator of the excavation, “Very little is known about the history and material culture of the residents of the rural hinterland of Jerusalem during the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE, even before the Hasmonean Revolt. This recently discovered site will promote our understanding of the nature of the settlement in this area.” At the site remains were found of agricultural buildings and installations which appear to be part of the northern section of an ancient farm. The dig revealed two major settlement periods: the first is estimated to have been between the 4th and the 2nd centuries BCE, and the second to have been during the first half of the 1st century BCE. This latter period is the one which relates to Hasmonean rule.
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